Filter Vessels Offered in a Wide Variety of Options
We Adapt to Your Unique Requirements
Used for contaminant removal in a range of industrial processes, liquid filter vessels are coupled with liquid filter cartridges or bags and installed in-line within a process pipeline. As the housings vary in size the number of cartridges or bags the housing holds can range from one to many with various lengths and end configurations. Liquid housings are available in plastic, carbon steel, stainless steel, and other materials and port sizes to meet the piping requirements.
- Bag Filter Housings
- Cartridge Filter Housings
- Single and Multi-Round
- Available with ASME-U Stamp
- Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel
- Custom Engineered Designs
- Rental Vessels Available

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We understand you have unique needs and our job is to help you find the best filtration solution.

Waco Locations
With locations throughout North America, we deliver value across the spectrum of your needs.